Friday, February 27, 2009

Photo Hunters - Thankful

My very first post for the . How fun!

The theme is "thankful." And I am...for this guy.

This is my baby brother Bear. In February, we celebrated the one year anniversary of his homecoming from Ethiopia. He's amazing.

Check out for more thankfulness.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Sky Watch Friday

I'm so excited to join the crowd over at SkyWatch Friday.

Here's is my first entry.

Visit the SkyWatch Site for links to sky views from all around the world.

Thematic Photographic - Winter

My poor neglected photoblog. I have big plans to do better. We'll see.

Carmi's Thematic Photographic for this week is "winter."

We don't get a great deal of snow where I live, so when it did snow this winter, I took a lot of pictures.

Here are some of my favorites. Tell me what you think.